Events and Webinars for CT Manufacturers

Each week CTmrg highlights events and webinars presented by various organizations and associations we think Connecticut manufacturers would be interested in. Be sure to check back regularly.

We also highlight upcoming events each Monday on our LinkedIn company page. 

Contact us if you have an event you'd like us to share.


Women in Manufacturing (WiM): Moms In Manufacturing

Moms in MFG is an event series and community which focuses solely on supporting moms and caregivers working in manufacturing. Moms in MFG provides participants with valuable content as well […]

CCAT: NC Transformer – Adaptive Machining Software for the Modern Factory

Goodwin University 3 Pent Rd., East Hartford, CT, United States

There are many methods and types of Adaptive Machining to choose from. The NCSS Transformation software process is a leading-edge application of Adaptive Machining technology which addresses all the systemic […]

Women in Manufacturing (WiM): International Network Summer Forum

WiM supports 628 international members in 40 countries. Our largest concentration of international members is in Canada, Mexico, India, Brazil and Germany. During this virtual networking event, participants can listen […]