Reviewing your credit card processing is right up there with going to the dentist. It’s something you know you need to do—but unless you’re actually experiencing pain, you might try to avoid it. Just like that trip to the dentist, though, it’s wiser to be proactive that to wait and possibly experience a much more negative outcome down the road.
There are two things that can make both tasks easier to face:
1. Knowing you’re working with someone who will do the best job possible.
2. Knowing that you’re paying an appropriate fee.
At CTmrg, we are always looking out for opportunities to provide Connecticut manufacturers with information that will help them attract qualified workers, increase sales, and save money. Merchant processing is one of the easiest ways to save dollars to the bottom line, and it actually takes very little effort.We recently became aware of a special program from Visa and MC that is specifically for manufacturers. Depending on volume, your savings could be in the thousands.
If you’re interested in learning more, it’s easy. Lisa Schwartz, Vice President of Integrity Merchant Solutions would be happy to help. All she needs is a recent statement from your credit card processor. It’s a no-cost, no-obligation analysis, and in the worst case scenario, you’ll validate that you already have a good deal.
We recently had a client who was fine with their credit card processor, but they decided to take advantage of the analysis just to be sure. He found that, yes, he was indeed leaving money on the table.
“Like most manufacturers, we thought we were all set with our credit card processor. Plus, only a fraction of our invoices are paid via credit card. But when Lisa was referred to us we thought ‘why not?’. We found that the processor we had either didn’t know about the program for manufacturers or simply didn’t apply it to our account. By switching our program we went from paying a 4.6% to a 2.5% processing fee. There were also many unnecessary fees that we were paying that Lisa pointed out. The biggest surprise was how easy it was to work with Lisa to make the change. All of this validated our decision to switch processors. Since we’re now saving over 45 percent, we feel the decision was justified. Lisa is easy to work with and I would recommend her without hesitation.” – Alan Ortner, President, Sirois Tool
Please contact us at 860-432-9977 for more information. Remember, if you are not set up correctly, you’re leaving money on the table.